{The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Freres: Marie Letourneau}

{The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Freres: Marie Letourneau}

{Synopsis} – This story serves up a delightful recipe for a children's book: take one adorable tale of Parisian mice who want to win the prize for the best cheese soup in France, add a full serving of the whimsical illustrations of Marie LeTourneau, mix in a dash of French language and a sprinkling of Parisian café culture, and voilà! We have The Mice of Bistrot des Sept Frères (Bistro of Seven Brothers).

With many basic French words cleverly woven into the story, readers will absorb the language without even realizing it. There is a pronunciation guide at the front of the book, and directions in the back to this website for the famous cheese soup recipe!

{My thoughts} – This is a cute little book about a Mouse family that owns and runs a Bistro in France. There is a best cheese soup competition taking place and the father realizes he doesn’t have the right ingredients. He leaves it up to his children to prepare the soup and the youngest one saves the day and soup.

I enjoyed this book for a few reasons. First, I like mice, rats, little critters. Second, it helps to introduce young children to the French language. All and all, it is a nice book and I am sure that young children will enjoy reading or being read to over and over again.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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