{Until the End: Christopher Pike}

{Until the End: Christopher Pike}

{Synopsis} – It’s the start of the school year, and the popular girls have decided to throw the best party, one their friends will never forget. But hooking up and hanging out are the farthest things from their minds when the unthinkable happens: Someone doesn’t make it out of the party alive.

The death is declared a suicide, but nothing quite adds up. Convinced there’s a murderer on the loose, no one knows who they can turn to or who they can trust. Nowhere is safe, not the homecoming dance, not even graduation.

The truth will terrify them, but it must be revealed. Their lives depend on it.

1. The Party
2. The Dance
3. The Graduation

{My thoughts} – {date entire series completed} – {date}

– {Book 1: The Party} – {01.05.2013} – This book is about a couple of friends. Alice and Polly two sisters, Jessica, Michael, Sarah and Nick. It begins with two High School having to merge and classmates and friends having their lives turned upside down. It talks about the trial and error of friendships, getting to know one another and learning who you can and cannot trust. The book is mainly about Jessica and Michael but near the end it changes it’s focus. This book ends with an odd twist but if you have read {Pike} books before it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to you.

– {Book 2: The Dance} – {date} –

– {Book 3: The Graduation} – {date} –

Final Conclusion: 4 Star Rating.


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