{The Grudge Keeper: Mara Rockliff}

{The Grudge Keeper: Mara Rockliff}

{Synopsis} – No one in the town of Bonnyripple ever kept a grudge.

No one, that is, except old Cornelius, the Grudge Keeper.

Ruffled feathers, petty snits, minor tiffs and major huffs, insults, umbrage, squabbles, dust-ups, and imbroglios-the Grudge Keeper received them all, large and small, tucking each one carefully away in his ramshackle cottage.

When a fierce wind blows through Bonnyripple, the residents are forced to rescue Cornelius and deal with their various disputes.

{My thoughts} – Cornelius is the town’s grudge keeper. If someone has a grudge against someone else, they write it down and give a copy to Cornelius. He then stacks them into piles depending on what category they fall under.

This is a nice little book that helps to show children that it isn’t nice to hold grudges. That when you do you live in a hostile kind of environment and that it is difficult to find happiness. Near the end of the book all the written grudges are blown out of Cornelius’s house and he ends up underneath the mountain like pile. The people of the town then realize how wrong they were to be holding them and they let loose and smile.

The book ends with a couple in the town getting married. It’s a really good book that helps to introduce morals to children. The only complaint I have is aside from the cover art, I wasn’t able to see any of the pictures, it was just white pages with words on them.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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