{Review Guidelines}

{My Blog Interests Are….}
{my children are boy age 9, boy age 10 and girl age 12, Baby girl EDD July 30, 2016}

~. Books {family friendly only} – I prefer the actual book but will accept epub and mobi files.
Note to {authors} and {publishers}:

I would love to have the opportunity to {read} and {review} your book. I have a wide variety of interests. I prefer to read {children’s}, {middle grade} and {1st through 8th grade} books. I will consider {young adult} books if the {book is a clean read}.  I am not very picky on the classification of them as long as they are {within my guidelines}.

I will accept both  {arcs} and {already published} books. If you have a book you’d like me to consider send me the {description} and I can go from there.

I will read {self published} books as long as they fall within my requirements.

I prefer to have the {hard copy} of the {book}.

I will accept {ebooks} in both {mobi} and {epub} versions.

I would also like to have the option to read the previous {books} in a {series} before being asked to jump in the middle of the {series}. I do not like being lost when we are reading something and most {series} pick up where the last book had left off without much insight into the previous {books}.

The main purpose of this blog is to post reviews. I post what I {like} about the books. I post what I don’t like about the {books}. I will try not to talk down about a book. I also do not post very long reviews. I believe that the longer it gets, the more likely I will {spoil} the book and that isn’t something I want to take part in.

If you have something other then a {review} you’d like me to post, please feel free to ask. Please make sure it falls in the {category} of what I am willing to post in my blog.

I post all my {reviews} here on my blog, I {tweet} them, I post them on my {facebook page}, on {amazon} and on {goodreads}. I give the most honest review I possibly can. I {rate} books based on a five {butterfly} system which is located in the right menu of my blog. I {try} to review them in a timely manner and will e-mail you the location to the blog post in which the {review can be found}.

I {try} to do reviews in the order received. Please {do not} expect fast reviews, because I have others ahead of your request.

Please feel free to {email me @ zapkode.marie@gmail.com} – or {leave a comment} on this page. Thank you for taking the time to read this. :}


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