{Thursday Memes}
{one} – Thankful Thursday – We’ve started a meme — for you! WHY? We know that the surest way to get good things in life is to be thankful for what you already have. So why not encourage a group thankful-fest once a week in which we send out good energy and hope to get some back in return? Oasis for YA
{two} – TV Thursday – Talk about your favorite tv show or a new one your watching. {Let me know if this is a meme so I can do the proper linking, thank you}.
{three} – Thursday Quotables – Share a favorite quote, line, or passage from your reading each week! Hosted by http://bookshelffantasies.com
{four} – Third Sentence Thursday – Take any book you are reading and flick to a random page. Share the third full sentence from that page with the blogosphere as a “taster” of the book! You can also share your thoughts about the sentence (does it affect the novel? did you like the language used? was it so short that it adds suspense?) It’s a fun, fast way to offer your readers a ‘snapshot’ of a particular book. Hosted by http://thatswhatsheread.com.au
{five} – Throwback Thursday – On Thursdays, anyone can participate in the Throwback Thursday trend by posting content (usually a photo) on social networking sites like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook to remember a past event. Photos can be from years ago or from just a few days ago. There aren’t really any limitations, and even though it can be fun to participate, it really just gives people an excuse to post more. Click for more information.