{Beep Beep Robot!: Scholastic}

{Beep Beep Robot!: Scholastic}

{Synopsis} – Spin BEEP BEEP Robot’s colorful gears and learn all about how gears connect and help machines move in this innovative novelty book with adorable rhyming text. With seven spinning wheels that connect to and spin one another, this unique book acts as a young child’s interactive entree into the world of engineering while still being a fun, young read aloud.

BEEP BEEP Robot! Off we go!
Gears move fast and gears move slow.
Turn my gear to start the show.
How does purple make green go?

Gears have teeth that fit in grooves.
Watch me spin. Check out my moves!
Turn my gear to start the show.
How does yellow make green go?

{My thoughts} – BEEP BEEP Robot is a wonderful book. It has everything that I look for in a book for a smaller child within it’s pages. It isn’t an overly distracting book with too much going on, so it is easy to hold a little ones attention. It is colorful and each color stands out against the black pages. It helps to teach a little one colors through a nicely written poem. The poem floors nicely and rhymes which helps little ones to more easily pick up on newer words in my opinion. That has always been the case with each of my children when they were learning new words, books with rhymes helped them learn more easily then books without them.

I really like how this book helps to engage the little one into the story by asking them to move certain colored gears. When the child then moves that specific gear then, it shows what can happen. This book is also a nice little introduction into engineering for little ones. Spin this colored gear and see this colored gear move. I like how it helps little ones to begin connecting how one thing can cause another thing to happen.

I really enjoyed sharing this book with my one year old and she really enjoyed listening to the story and moving the gears around. I know that at her age she doesn’t quite understand what she is doing with the gears but she enjoyed moving them and to me that’s all that matters. In a few years down the line she will be able to better understand what the book is asking, but right now it is simply a book that holds her interest because of it’s unique gears that magically move when you move one of the other gears within the pages.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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