{Touch and Feel Winter: Scholastic}

{Touch and Feel Winter: Scholastic}

{Synopsis} – Touch and Feel Winter is an exciting board book for very young children. Children will love discovering images of the winter season and feeling the amazing touches that appear on every page.

The mini padded format is perfect for small hands to hold, while the vivid photography and fun illustrations will engage young minds, helping to promote observation and language skills, and to develop a love of reading.

* Small, padded format is perfect for young hands to hold.
* Packed with tactile areas for young children to touch and explore!
* Combination of engaging photography and simple word labels provides a fun introduction to animals while promoting observation skills and language skills.

Scholastic Early Learners: Interactive books for hands-on learning. Perfect for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergärtners, and first graders, too!

{My thoughts} – This is a cute little book made for little hands. It has nice illustrations as well as added sensory. The added textures to each illustration allows children to explore how different things feel at a younger age.

I highly recommend this book for younger children, because it helps to allow children to touch and feel new textures. It gives them the opportunity to touch and feel without a a whole lot of work.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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