{Superbat: Matt Carr}

{Superbat: Matt Carr}

{Synopsis} – Pat is an ordinary bat who wants nothing more than to be special. But when he proclaims himself a superbat, the other bats laugh and say that anything he can do, like fly and navigate through the dark, they can do too.

Disheartened that his friends have the same superpowers as him, Pat is ready to rip off his cape and throw it away when suddenly his supersonic hearing picks up a terrified cry. A cat has trapped a poor mouse!

Without a second thought, Pat quickly flies across the city using his echolocation and saves the mouse from the big, bad cat. His friends, who followed to watch, realize that Pat does have an amazing superpower: courage!

A playful twist on the superhero theme, Matt Carr’s debut picture book is perfect for anyone who has ever felt just out of place. Matt introduces some real bat characteristics in this superhero adventure, as well as some bat facts in the back of the book!

{My thoughts} – This book is simple yet entertaining. Super Bat is the story of a regular bat that wanted to be something more. He accomplished this by making a superhero costume and being the superhero he’d always wanted to be. The words on each patch match up nicely with the illustrations.

I highly recommend this book for any young child struggling to find their place in this world. It helps to show them that they don’t have to be like everyone else and that it’s okay to be different. I look forward to sharing and reading this book with my daughter in the future.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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