{Star Wars: Jedi Academy, The Force Oversleeps: Jarrett J. Krosoczka}

{Star Wars: Jedi Academy, The Force Oversleeps: Jarrett J. Krosoczka}

{Synopsis} – Victor Starspeeder is back at Jedi Academy for year two, but it’s not going the way he’d planned. He was thrilled about Drama Club and hoped to get the lead in this year’s musical… But a new kid got the role! What gives?! Plus, he keeps oversleeping and getting to class late . . . Worst of all, his big sister Christina is getting ready to graduate from Jedi Academy, and there are rumors going around that she’s a Sith! What’s a Padawan to do? In times when he feels more alone than ever, Victor will have to trust the ways of the Force and his friends if he’s going to survive year two in this all-new chapter in the Jedi Academy series.

{My thoughts} – Victor is back at Jedi Academy this year. He is participating in his first full year of school there. He has proven that he is strong in the Force and that he has a lot of potential. His sister Christina is also strong in the Force with a lot of potential. This is his sisters last year of school and there is a gossip leak about her being a Sith and joining the Dark Side going around school. This doesn’t make Victor feel very proud of his sister, but he stands beside her and tries to prove that she is good and not bad.

When the book wraps up so much has happened and so much has changed, that it had a nice twist. I really enjoyed reading this book and learning more about the characters within it. I do admit that I still miss the original characters. However, I think these are starting to grow on me. This book was a nice addition to the story and gave more insight to what kind of characters they are and what to kind of expect in future books. I look forward to reading the next book in the series very soon.

I think that any child that loves Star Wars will enjoy reading this book. I love the illustrations within the pages. They give you a lot to look at and explore. I enjoy reading books like this because they are fun reads. I think that any child would be lucky to have this book added to their home or school library.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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