{Synopsis} – This is the story of an English orphan named Pip who rises to wealth, deserts his true friends, and becomes humbled by his own arrogance. It also introduces one of the more colorful characters in literature: Miss Havisham. Dickens set Great Expectations during the time that England was becoming a wealthy world power. Machines were making factories more productive, yet people lived in awful conditions.
{My thoughts} – I have not read the original book that this particular Manga is based on. However, I have to say that reading this version left me with a desire to want to read more. From the very beginning of the book, with the excellent illustrations, to the text within. This books pulled me directly into the 19th century England and it gave me the feeling that I was there right along side the characters in the story as it was unfolding.
This is a wonderful story about Pip and his journey to becoming something more, something greater then he’d been born to be. It is the story about his love for Estella and how even though he wasn’t born to privilege, that he still had the opportunity to obtain it through a benefactor located in London.
I’ve not attempted to read through the original the amount of pages are rather intimidating to me. I might give it a try one day, when I have time to concentrate on the material within it’s pages. In the meantime however, I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to read this version and have a realistic understanding of the original book, without having to read through quite so many pages!
I believe that the creation of these Manga Classics is a wonderful way to help get the newer generation of readers interested in the older classics. I look forward to sharing this version of this classic with my children.
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.