{Synopsis} – British soldiers were everywhere. There was no escape.
Nathaniel Fox never imagined he’d find himself in the middle of a blood-soaked battlefield, fighting for his life. He was only eleven years old! He’d barely paid attention to the troubles between America and England. How could he, while being worked to the bone by his cruel uncle, Uriah Storch?
But when his uncle’s rage forces him to flee the only home he knows, Nate is suddenly propelled toward a thrilling and dangerous journey into the heart of the Revolutionary War. He finds himself in New York City on the brink of what will be the biggest battle yet.
{My thoughts} – Nate is an eleven year old boy that has been forced to grow up. His mother had passed away some years before from small pocks. His father from a viscous storm out at sea. Since Nate had no other family he was forced to go live with a distant relative.
That relative was an Uncle. He was a horrible excuse for a human. He’d mistreat his slaves and Nate. The day Nate decides to runaway his Uncle nearly strangled him to death. He jumps on a boat and finds himself smack in the middle of a war zone.
It’s not easy for Nate to accept but he figures eventually that anything his better then his Uncles. He ends up joining up and helping fight the battle for America’s freedom. He ends up seeing so many horrible and unforgettable things over the next seven months.
Nate grows up quickly. He learns what it’s like to serve in the military in Nader General George Washington. He learns what it’s like to more or less be loved and be wanted!
I really enjoyed reading this book. The scenes that take place during battle are difficult to imagine, but true to what it would probably be like. It’s hard to think about such a young child on the battlefield, however it seems common in other countries and cultures.
I look forward to reading the next book in this series very soon!
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.