{Sky’s Surprise: Catherine Coe}

{Sky’s Surprise: Catherine Coe}

{Synopsis} – Everybunny knows that a little bit of luck can turn an ordinary day into an adventure! Welcome to Bright Burrow, home to the six hoppiest, floppiest, pluckiest, luckiest bunnies around.

It’s time for Bright Burrow’s annual Bounce-a-Lot festival. Sky thinks it’s the hoppiest day of the year! She has been practicing her springiest, fizziest, bounciest moves so she can try out to be one of the star Bouncers. But when she isn’t chosen, Sky is sadder than a wilting carrot. She tries to pretend it doesn’t matter, but her friends know something is wrong when the funny bunny they know and love stops telling her trademark jokes. Can they cheer her up – and find a way to help Sky be part of Bounce-a-Lot after all?

{My thoughts} – Sky is a fun little bunny that has hope’s and dreams of being a bouncer in the big bounce-a-lot that her school and class takes part in. She ends up being really sad when she isn’t one of the bunnies that are chosen from her class. A couple of her close friends are chosen and she has a hard time showing that she is truly happy for them. She manages to stay away from everyone while she sulks at home by not going to school. She blames everything on having a bad toothache, which isn’t completely true but it helps to get her friends to leave her alone for a little while.

One of her friends figures out that she isn’t being honest about what is going on and how she feels. She tells the others what she learned and together they all try to find ways to cheer her up. It isn’t easy on them, but they keep trying to cheer her up even though she pushes them away and makes them feel like their efforts aren’t appreciated.

If you’d like to know what happens with Sky and her friends, you’ll need to read the book. It had a wonderful ending and I really enjoyed reading through it. As this was an ARC not all the illustrations are in the pages, but the one’s that were included go spot on with the text on the pages that they coincide with. I look forward to reading the next book in this series soon!

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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