{Synopsis} – In this mischievously funny picture book, friends come in all shapes and sizes.
In case you were wondering, here’s an incomplete list of things giraffes ruin:
– Birthday parties
– Going to the movies
– Playing at the park
– Hide and Seek
– Everything else
Yes, that’s right. Giraffes ruin everything.
But what happens when our narrator gets into a tricky situation? Perhaps he’ll find giraffes aren’t so bad after all . . .
{My thoughts} – Giraffe’s ruin everything from birthday parties, to trips to the movies and park and more. I enjoyed how nicely the words on the pages blended together with the illustrations. I particularly like the usage of pastel colors, because I feel that they help to draw the reader into the book, without being overly distracting.
I do think however, that some words used like “frustration” and “undertake” might be a bit advanced for younger readers. I’d suggest reading through the book and making a list of the more difficult words and then adding a simplified definition so that you can easily explain to the child what it means as your reading. Otherwise, I found it to be an enjoyable book.
I recommend this book for any child that loves animals or more specifically giraffes. I personally love giraffes which as why I’d wanted to read this book. I do believe this has the potential to become a bedtime favorite in any household.
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.