{Synopsis} – When Araminta throws cold water over her best friend, Wanda, to disperse a crowd of panicked bats, it s decided Araminta has been helpful one too many times, and she is packed off to boarding school. On arrival, Araminta is surprised to discover that Gargoyle Hall makes her home, Spook House, seems positively cosy. Strange moans and clanks echo down the corridors and the two head girls are equally creepy. Most of the other pupils have been scared away, but Araminta senses that something or someone is behind the menace.With the help of best friend Wanda and Uncle Drac s prize bat, she is going to do something about it!”
{My thoughts} – Araminta has managed to upset Aunt Tabby in this book. She’s upset her to the point that she takes Uncle Drac’s mothers advice and enrolls her into a boarding school called Gargoyle Hall. Araminta had tried to do everything she could the night she was forced to leave, in order to change Aunt Tabby’s mind but all efforts were in vain.
Once she got to the boarding school, she had to sign the the school registry and after that she was shown to her room and left to unpack. The great thing about unpacking was that Wanda had stowed away in her trunk so the two were at the school together.
The next morning they were woken up by the two head girls and forced into the cellar to clean all the spiders and spider webs etc. That didn’t really bother then considering they came from Spookie House.
While they were down there they were surprised by Mathilda, Araminta’s cousin, whom was apparently there to rescue them from the clutches of the two head girls whom they decided to Cal vultures. I have to agree with the name they chose for those two, it became rather fitting as the story progressed.
It appears that Araminta had been enrolled as a last ditch effort to prevent the school from being closed. There seems to be some terrible beast that makes noises at night scaring off all the students as well as the way the vultures treated them during the day. Between the two things no one wanted to stick around.
Do the vultures succeed in getting the school closed? Do they and the beast manage to scare off Wanda and Araminta? There are so many more questions you will be asking yourself as your reading, but these are the top two.
I highly recommend this series for children that like paranormal reads that aren’t really scary. These are a lot of fun to read and you can knock them out in a couple of hours depending on your reading speed. I look forward to reading the newest book in this series soon.
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.