{Becoming a Butterfly: Mia Castile}

{Becoming a Butterfly: Mia Castile}

{Synopsis} –– Sixteen year old Lacey was never the center of attention, unless she was tripping, stammering, or being deposited into a pool by the local popular kids. All she wanted was to fit in, until one night when everything changed.

Jade and Tasha, her two best friends, helped her create an online personality that was everything she wanted to be– and it was only the beginning. In doing so, she attracted the attention of Henry, her lifelong crush and next door neighbor. Unfortunately, it was Farrah, her online personality and not herself, he was interested in.

She also attracted Chase, the brooding, quiet, anti-social new kid of Brownsburg High School, who easily figured out her secret and blackmailed her. They forged a friendship that was both unique and complicated.

Lacey must decide if revealing herself to Henry and her entire school as the cool, charming, and funny Farrah is worth possibly losing him forever. She finds herself needing to make an even harder decision than she ever thought possible. When did the lines between truth and lies get so blurred?

Becoming a Butterfly is a story about coming of age and finding yourself when you never knew you were lost.

{My Thoughts} – This book is based on finding yourself and learning who you really are. Lacey is this awkward girl that doesn’t really know who she is or what she wants out of life. She has two best friends Jade and Tasha and they push her into making a fake online profile. That profile becomes very popular and soon she is talking as her alter ego to Henry the boy next door who has always had a crush on her.

Throughout the book she makes loads of poor choices, she keeps many secrets and she makes many people not like her. The biggest secret she keeps almost costs her the loss of one of the most important people in her life. The book is full of twists and turns, but even when her best friends walk away she has her new friend Chase to help pick up the pieces.

High school is one of the more difficult parts of most individuals lives, this book cover bullying, self humiliation, suicidal tendencies, puppy love, love, betrayal, and many other things. It’s a good book to read and very enjoyable. I can’t wait to begin reading the second book in the series.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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