{Synopsis} – My name is Caitlin and up until forty-eight hours ago I had never:
Tasted alcohol, kissed a boy, sang in public at the top of my lungs, kidnapped anyone or—WHAT? STOLEN A CONVERTIBLE?
Now I’m in jail and I have no idea what I’m going to tell:
The police, my parents, the mayor, all of those camera crews and everyone on Twitter.
I have just noticed that:
My nose is pierced and I have—WAIT? IS THAT A TATTOO?
I blame one person for this entire insane weekend:
My famous cousin.
Who is also my former best friend.
Who I have HATED for the past four years.
Who I miss like crazy. NO I DON’T!!!!
{My Thoughts} – Peer pressure can be one of the more difficult things that any teenager has to deal with in their lives. However, it doesn’t just happen to teens, it can happen to anyone at any age and it isn’t fun when you are stuck trying to figure out what you think you should do that is right verses what your friends would prefer you do. More often then not, the friends win and many poor choices are the end result.
Caitlin is an awkward individual. She has to deal with so much in her life that bothers her in terms of anxiety and other mental type issues that she doesn’t really function like someone should at her age. She has a cousin named Heller that is the complete opposite of her. She has no problems getting out there and showing the world what she is made of and that she won’t back down.
Heller is this famous television star that is now the star of a new hit movie series that is based on a set of books called Angel Wars. Heller has been in so much trouble lately that the producers of her movie and her manager is worried she won’t be able to stay out of trouble until the premiere. This is where Caitlin comes in. Caitlin is Christian and she is grounded in her beliefs. She has been home schooled and sheltered from everything that could influence her from making really poor decisions. However, Heller seems to need her so she is going to help Heller to stay on track so that they can make it to the premiere of the movie.
A lot goes on within this book. There is a lot of self discovery, of finding out who one really is. There’s a lot of standing up for one’s beliefs and taking charge in situations where you might think you are in over your head. There is so much that takes place and it all reads rather quickly.
There are a ton of questions that come up while reading this book and I can promise they all get answered.
I really enjoyed reading this book and the descriptions of the Angel Wars books as well. It helped to tie the book into a nice little bow and it was all easy to follow. I think that any teenager that reads this book will be able to relate to the language, the peer pressure and the storyline to an extent. Most importantly I think they will be able to understand just where it is that Caitlin and Heller were coming from as individuals within it’s pages.
There wasn’t much I didn’t like about this book other then the character Sophie. I couldn’t stand thinking that a thirteen year old could act the way she did and I’d be grounding my child for a long time if she came even close to that behavior. I am sure most will think it’s normal and natural, but it all depends on how you were raised, how you raise your children and if you children do indeed have a moral compass.
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.