{Synopsis} – Squish and squash the unicorn as you read the rhyming story and discover all the things that Unicorn loves to do. Perfect for interactive play, for shared reading or for reading alone, these delightful, touchable books are full of squishy squashy fun!
{My thoughts} – This is a really fun book. The moment my three year old saw it, she’d wanted to read through it. The illustrations are bright and colorful, they are eye catching and fun to look at. The story within the pages is fun and it tells your child to squish the unicorn on it’s belly, ears and various other places. I really did enjoy reading this one with my daughter. She enjoyed it a little more though. She loves books that are hands on and this is one of those kinds of books that fall right in par with what she enjoys.
I look forward to reading more books in this series with her in the future. They are fun and entertaining and my daughter truly enjoyed it.
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.