{Synopsis} – “Once upon a time,” begins the big blue monster who is trying to tell a fabulous story. “It needs to be about a kid who is eaten by a dragon,” he insists.
But his little monster friend is not convinced that this is a good idea. “Dragon stories usually don’t end well,” he warns.
As the two monsters argue over how the story should go, a hungry dragon named Dennis is listening nearby. Dennis knows exactly how this story should go… And by the way, what day is it?
Watch out!
{My thoughts} – A brilliant book written for a young audience. The cover alone is eye appealing and wonderful. The illustrations within the pages are on par with the text on the pages. It all blends together in a flawless story.
The first thing I like about this book is that it is written in a dialogue fashion. I always enjoy books that help to introduce young children into the graphic novel/comic book world. This book helps to do that an so much more.
I also like that the hero of the story is a girl. Seeing as I am the mother of two small girls I find that this is a story they will be able to relate to in the future. However, right now it just makes a nice little story for story time.
I also like how it helps to show children essentially how to write a story. How you start with a beginning and an end and then add in more things as you go. It helps to show children how to build a nice story foundation.
Lastly I like how funny this book turned out to be. As I was reading it with my two year old, I couldn’t help but giggle at some of the content. It’s a very fun book that I enjoyed sharing with my daughter.
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.